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The Cerebal Palsy Alliance organised a wonderful weekend of creative thinking and innovative doing.
The event involved 120 enthusiastic people getting together over 2 days at UTS in Sydney.
Read about the wonderful experience of attending and participating in such an exciting event.
Enabled By Design-athon
By all means post any questions here for further information, or to share the experience.

Design Thinking process by MatrixIPMatrixIP, 01 Aug 2014 08:06

A new Self Managed Team project (including participant training) is being initiated at a city based Council (Local Government).
The project is basically part of the Asset Management Team initiative created by Council in April 2012, with the employment of a competent and enthusiastic team leader of asset management.

The intial project is designed to "co-operatively" deliver a working asset management system ('AMS') from scratch (i.e. nothing in place at June 2012). This involves purchasing a good AMS and populating the AMS with good data.

The project goal is to have all key assets loaded into the new AMS and to have "basic" valuations available from this system by December 2012.

The team (currently) involves three (3) members, with different but essential roles (skills and knowledge) to deliver the above goal.
The team framework and responsibilities have been defined and the basics around how a "self managed team" works have been explained.
The progress of this important project (and initiative) will be documented here.

Keep Thiking Innovation.

We had the pleasure of hosting 6 students (from Otsuchi Town High School, in Iwarte) and 1 lecturer (from Hitotsubashi University) in Sydney on the anniversary to the devastating earthquake and tsunami (March 11th 2012).
The six students were from a high school in a town that was directly in the path of the tsunami. Their school, their homes and their town was devastated. Lives were lost.
The support from concerned staff and students (including Chad Passlow) from Hitotsubashi University (OCS) allowed these young students to travel to Australia for 1 week and enjoy life in Australia.
The six students were delightful young adults, very gracious and so gateful.
The students and lecturer were billeted by family and friends. All visitors returned to Japan (after 7 day visit) with great memories, a wonderful experience and big smiles.
This was a very rewarding exercise for all involved.
We will maintain contact with these young leaders and try to encourage further interactions and ongoing support.

Excellence in Public Sector Design

Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education has taken an innovative step forward and created a pilot centre for excellence in Public Sector Design.

Excellence in Public Sector Design

If we cannot trust the UN

If the UN cannot get the job done who do we call on? I think "ghost busters" is out of the question.
Last Options for UN in Durban
How can we hope to pull the 3 main polluters into line when they control the vote at the UN.
India and China I can imagine their predicament but why is the US so recalcitrant!
Surely there are people smart enough in the US to understand the consequences.
I must investigate.

Michael Bloomberg has a worthwhile comment;
Coal fired power stations are a Health Issue

Renewable Energy is a "goer" in the USA
Green Energy is a priority in the USA

Google is in the Game of Renewable Energy
Google Invests in Solar Energy

Solar can stand on its own 2 fee
Solar Execs rebut Fossil Fuel Industry attacks

Waspmote - EEA involved in monitoring Climate Change
EEA (European Environmental Agency) is using smart connected technology to monitor Climate Change.
Waspmote Smart Monitoring
Well done EEA.

GovLoop discussion on Climate Change

Please stop talking about global warming - John Geraci

The World Meteorological Organisation measures CO2 levels (to atmosphere) by country.
CO2 levels KG pa per $1 GDP

The TIR web site

The Third Industrial revolution web site is up and running.


Have a look at the wonderful Master Plans. We need one for Australia.

Rifkin is an economist at heart (as well as a genius) and describes how global economics will change with youthful enthusiasm through protests and the Third Industrial Revolution.

He proclaims the time is right for The Third Industrial Revolution

Also have a look at:

The latest newsletter from OJR

Manufacturing is part of the Third Industrial Revolution (Jeremy Rifkin in the Economist)

3-D Printing will change manufacturing

We should not depend on the USA for help!

Here is what we are up against, in the words of a favorite son of America, John F Kennedy Jnr.
Read and weep for the green recovery in the US.
Carbon Interests declare War on the Planet

View the current issues at Warringah

Warringah LGA covers the northern beaches area of Sydney, Australia.

Warringah Issues

Community Consultation Exercise

A dog park proposal for a small neighbourhood park Starkey Reserve at Starkey Street, Killarney Heights, NSW is being tested via important Community Consultation, which is currently being carried out across the local community.
The results will be reported to Council, once the consultation period has finished (5 December 2011). A report will be prepared for Council, once the responses and results are correlated.

Electric Cars are on the move in Australia

A company BetterPlace is setting up a network of charge stations in Australia, starting on the east coast.
Electric Cars Drive Australia into a Green Economy
Have a look and go out and buy one!
Efficient, clean transport is one of the pillars of the Third Industrial Revolution.

Better, Smarter Battery Technology

New smarter battery technology has been developed by an Israelu company (with a German founder)
Smarter Battery Storage System

This is why we need to encourage a Green Economy (and quickly)

Greenhouse gases have increased to alarming levels. Are they already out of control?
Greenhouse Gases Hit Record High

The Environmental Protection Agency in the US is fearless.
A List of All CO2 Emitters (polluters) in USA
A map shows the biggest emitters of CO2 in the USA by State, by Company. What a bold move and what important information for US administrators and the rest of the world.

Australia moves to encourage a Green Economy

But is it moving in the right direction?
An "uninformed", excited Al Gore thinks so!
Australia Passes Carbon Tax Legislation

US Investors are supporting Clean Energy

US Investors are getting into "Clean Energy" technologies with gusto.
Some $270B spent last year.
US Investors in Clean Energy
US needs to do this just to keep up with the investment in Clean Energy Technology going on in China.

Jeremy Rifkin has a wonderful doctrine for moving the world forward from the Second Industrial Revolution (based on carbon based energy and the internal combustion engine) to the Third Industrial Revolution (based on integrated, distributed and coordinated "green energy" and communications). More to follow.

Read this introduction to the Third Industrial Revolution, and tell me we cannt play our part here in Australia.
Rifkin on the "Third Industrial Revolution"

Join the Rifkin enthusiasm and listen to the Rifkin solution. This guy is serious and needs our help.

Read more about Rifkin and his ideas in New Scientist.
Emphatic Civilisation

Read about 3-D Printing as part of the 3rd Industrial Revolution - The Economist
3-D Printing to transform Manufacturing

Dr Derek Ambrose has kindly offered to share his doctorate thesis with us. Derek's thesis is entitled Identifying the existence and impact of transformational leadership in the Australian public sector.

OzLoop introduction to Transformational Leadership in the APS
Go straight to the details of Transformational Leadership

Unquestionably the most innovative company in the world - Google - has a well defined platform.

Google - 8 Pillars of Innovation.

We can all do this; it just takes time, patience and dedication (and a BIG heart and a THICK skin).

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